Your Gift is Our Future
For over 100 years, the façade's terracotta masks have silently kept watch from their perch over the surrounding streets. While those columns and archways have seen us through depressions, recessions and booming, magical growth, the weariness of time has taken its toll. The Theatre’s initial renovation addressed some of the façade’s concerns over a decade ago, and now the time has come to truly care for the crown of Moberly’s gem. In October 2019, Kansas City-based Mid-Continental Restoration, a specialist in masonry repair, began an in-depth preservation process and their work is already making a difference.
Please consider a gift.
Would you join us in this project to safeguard this grand lady for generations to come? We are halfway to our goal of $60,000. Your support is deeply appreciated and tax deductible. Donations may be sent in care of the 4th Street Theatre, PO Box 185, Moberly, MO, 65270 or by clicking below.